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[] Networking at dental meetings

It is recommended to attend local general dentists meetings and to network with fellow dentists for expanding your referral base and collaboration.

[] Host an implant seminar

Implantologists can establish themselves as experts, by teaching local General Dentists how to place implants. One might think that this does not make sense, but in reality it is a wise strategic dental marketing move, that, when done well, can really pay off. Oral surgeons, as lecturers, are automatically established as dental implant experts. Additionally, even if GPs buy a system and attend a course, very few of them actually become great dental implant placers. Now, you have established yourself a great reputation without risking your business, on the contrary – you've expanded it!

[] Social media

LinkedIn is a great professional network you can join that allows you to connect with other dental professionals. You can read interesting implantology related news and stories, post updates about maxillofacial surgery, and join discussion groups. It is advised to connect with general dentists within your region, to grow your referral base.

[] Maintain a proper patient database

Although, majority of the information in patients’ dental records are clinical in nature, it is also beneficial to include a personal information sheet. This file should contain bits of conversational information about the patient’s interests, latest trips and hobbies, while keeping the information to a minimum.

[] Email a monthly newsletter

A monthly newsletter is an effective and simple way to stay in contact with other dentists and your clientele, and share news about your practice: new procedures and services available, staff changes, work anniversaries, birthdays, and the purchase of new equipment.

[] Refer back

Send some new patients over to your referrals when the opportunity arises – one-way relationships are hardly healthy ones.

[] Marketing giveaways

Dental giveaways encourage patient and peer loyalty. Hand out promotional marketing giveaways with your logo and practice information, to your referring doctors and customers. For example: coffee mugs, USB thumb drives, pens, and paper pads.

[] Offer free checkups

A great marketing idea to draw in more clientele to your practice, is to direct mail your patient base and offer a free dental checkup if they bring in a friend.

[] Offer retail products

Dental implant therapy offers more than just tooth replacement. It really comes down to add value and quality to life. Offer your patients health and wellness products that add value and quality to life, as a complementary service.

[] Always say “Thank You”

A written “Thank You” note is always a nice personal touch. Either by email or a personal phone call, remember to always say "Thanks!"